

Well, the search for my job is over---I found one!! Hooray!!  I start Wednesday and really could not be more excited.  Another thing is that it has been so cool to look back and see God's hand in it all along.  This whole time He has had this perfect plan for me, and just because I didn't get something right when I wanted it, does not mean that God had forgotten me.  Anyway, that is my exciting news! 

I got to go out with Kendra and Wendy last night for girl's night!!  I had a blast!  We went to BJs and stayed there for a good 4 hours, haha.  It was so great just to enjoy the company of good friends and have some laughs!  Lynsie and her boyfriend, Chris, also met up with us, so it was definitely good to see them too!  

As for wedding news, we went and picked out tuxes yesterday!  So that's fun....it's getting closer!!!!! =)

Welp, that's all for now..Have a good rest of the weekend!!

1 comment:

Jackie said...

Hey!!! Sounds like all is well! I'm so excited for yall! Glad I found your blog!!