
15 Weeks and growing!

Good News!  We found our camera battery charger!!  Now we can take pictures again, sheesh, I feel like it's been forever!!!  Several people have told me to take pictures to document the growth of my growing tummy...so now, I guess we don't have any excuses not to.  We went to the dr. a few weeks ago and heard the heartbeat of our precious little one! Such a sweet sweet sound!  It's crazy what all is going on inside of me right now and so neat how Psalm 139 is playing out in me....God is designing and forming our little one as we speak and He has amazing plans in store for them.  How cool is that!?!!!   

On another note, we went out to eat to celebrate Mer's birthday last night at Olive Garden.  I love her!  My sister is pretty much the greatest---I can't believe she's 25!!!  I'm so proud of her, she just started back to school to get her masters in counseling so she can pursue her dreams professionally.  It's hard not to be somewhat jealous of that, but I suppose I'll just live vicariously through her!!  Maybe one day I will go back......

Oh we find out the sex March 16th----Feels like forever away, but time will fly i'm sure!  I still can't believe i'm almost 4 months along!  Where did the time go??!

That's all for now.....pictures to come soon, so it's not just my boring writings..... =)

Love y'all!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

...this reminds me of the days when you had xanga

love you :)