
Just a moment to brag....

This past weekend Gav put on his first Disciple Now/Winter Retreat, and I think it was a big success!  The youth seemed to have a really good time, and hopefully learned something along the way!!  Ya know, Gavin continuously surprises me with how much he can juggle on his plate.  Between gearing up for his last semester of school, being the worship leader at our church, being the student minister, and still managing to be a great husband and take care of his pregnant wife---I am amazed that one person can handle so much.  I would probably breakdown and lose my mind with all of that going on, but he doesn't.  It fascinates me that not only is he able to handle all of those tasks, but he is passionate about each and every one of those things.  (Okay, not so much school, but he is definitely passionate about getting done)!  Anyway, I just wanted to take a minute to brag about my husband, he's pretty great!! =)

I added a countdown at the top right of the screen, so you can all countdown with me until the arrival of Baby Greer!! =)  Oh and good news, as of last Monday, I have made a complete 180 and am feeling TONS better!!  Still get nauseous some, but nothing like what it was! YAY!  Praise God for that!  I go to the Dr. this morning for my 2nd appointment, and we're hoping to get to hear the heartbeat of our little one!  I'll keep you posted!!  Have a great Tuesday!



Unknown said...

Melanie -
It was great to see you this weekend! So glad to hear you are feeling better!
Love ya

Luanne said...

Congrats to the expanding Greer family!
It seems like just yesterday we were all sitting in our marriage-prep!!
Hope ya'll are well =)