
Funny How Plans Change....

Well, Secrets out I guess...much to our surprise, on 11/24 (our 6 month anniversary), we found out we were pregnant!  Since then I have had time to pick myself up off the floor, and we really could not be more excited!  Baby Greer should make his/her appearance at the end of July!  It's really neat to look back on everything and just see God's hand in it all!  Before we got married, we were looking at one bedroom apartments because we thought it would just be us 2 for atleast another 2 years or so, but this amazing deal on a house opened up for us and we could not pass it up.  Funny how perfect God's timing is.....while we are just renting it right now, we are so blessed to already have an extra bedroom to put baby in until we can buy our own home! 

If we were going to have a surprise such as this, it really came at a perfect time.  The same day that I got the phone call we were pregnant, is the very day I got my letter in the mail from UNT giving me the go ahead to register for classes.  This has made me completely re-think my life's plans/goals.  I really love the thought of being a coach and I think it would be something I would really excel in, however, I just don't know if I am okay with giving up my nights and being away from my child for that long.  Being a coach requires long hours....before and after school practices everyday, and then game nights 2 nights a week.....I just don't know if i'm up for that, I think I would miss being with my family too much.  It is a bonus that I would have my summers off, but I can't decide if that's worth being away for the other 8 months of the year, ya know?  This is something that I am really going to have to prayerfully consider over the next few months as I have pretty much decided not to start this Spring as I originally thought.  I'm tempted to go back on what I originally went to school for....Play Therapy.  Lots to think about.

To wrap up...I've been feeling okay.  I've had some really rough days and then i've had some really good days, but I am really looking forward to these next 2 weeks being over so I can jump into my 2nd trimester, with high hopes that my energy will all come back and this sickness will subside.  I am so grateful for where we are right now.  It's hard not to feel overwhelmed, inadequate, etc....but how great is it to serve a God that will never give you more than you can handle and that knows the desires of our hearts?  We are so blessed and pray that our child continues to grow to be healthy and strong, and even more so, someone who grows to love the Lord and earnestly seeks Him.

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