
Life as of Late...

Well, my friends...If I had made this post on Monday or Tuesday, I would have told you the nausea and sickness had definitely let up and things were looking good....however, this is post-Monday or Tuesday, and what a week it has been!  Wednesday, I was in a car accident (completely not my fault)....it wasn't bad at all--thank goodness.  I was rear-ended and will be needing a new bumper and the other ladies' car was beat up pretty bad, but no one was hurt, so that was a blessing.  Hopefully I'll be getting everything squared away with her insurance beginning of this week so I can go get an estimate and get it all fixed up!  This is exactly why Gav says I can never drive a small car anymore and must always drive a tank!  Works out well for me anyway, they're much safer! =)

Thursday, I took a half day at work because I was feeling so puny, only to find out that I had caught a stomach virus....YAY!  So I took Friday off and have been lounging pretty much ever since.  My hope and prayer for this week is that I will continue to feel as good as I did on Monday/Tuesday of last week and have that continue....forever, haha!  I would really like to make it the full week at work!  It's been a while since i've done that (with the holidays and all).  It would be really nice to have a job where you could work at home in times like these don't ya think?

Anyway, on a lighter note, the Papits are in town this week and I mustered up the energy to meet them for lunch w/ Gav today after church!  Gosh we miss them so much.  Wish they'd move back here, but, you can't argue with God's calling and we know and have seen the great things God is doing in them out there in Cali.  We're actually hoping to take a trip out to see all of them somewhat soon to visit and they've asked for Gav's advice for sound equipment and everything, so that is right up his alley! He's stoked about being able to help and he absolutely loves that sort of thing!  He's so talented! =)

No other news really, just living life one day at a time!  Hope you all have a blessed week and that you find God in a new and refreshing way this week!  Love y'all!

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