
Current Events in the life of me...

So I officially turned everything in for my online teaching certification. Finally being able to pursue what I really want to do with my life is just the greatest feeling. I cannot WAIT to be a COACH!! If you know me, you know that Middle school is my passion. I have such a heart for those kiddos, it really is a great age. People always ask me--"Middle school??? WHY?!? But ya know, they're still at that age where they are very impressionable and they still LISTEN and respect those in higher authority, AND I feel like I can not only coach/teach these girls, but I can also serve as a mentor. I have the utmost respect for my middle school coaches--they taught me a whole lot and were very active in their athletes/student's lives. They led FCA at Forestwood, came to my highschool basketball games, and even to my wedding! I love that I have stayed in contact with them for so long, and i hope to make that kind of impression on the kids that I am able to coach/teach. I WANT to be that for them! I am very hopefully for these next 6 months as I go through the certification process, and am looking forward with anxious anticipation as to what God has in store for me!!

One more thought...in small group last night we were discussing the passage of Romans 8. I stumbled across this while reading it in the message and loved the way it was worded...
Meanwhile, the moment we get tired in the waiting, God's Spirit is right alongside helping us along. If we don't know how or what to pray, it doesn't matter. He does our praying in and for us, making prayer out of our wordless sighs, our aching groans. He knows us far better than we know ourselves, knows our pregnant condition, and keeps us present before God. That's why we can be so sure that every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good. Romans 8:26-28.

Several things there struck me as meaningful and while some of it may serve as a simple reminder that the God of all the Universe passionately pursues us and is ALWAYS right alongside helping us along, it was the next sentence that got me thinking. I cannot count how many times I have sat before God and said..."I'm seriously at a loss, don't know where to begin, don't know what to say, etc.." This passage clearly states that it's ok to feel that way and that does not matter because God does our praying in us and for us, making prayers out of our silence. Seriously, how cool is that? So many times I feel like I need to make my prayers sound pretty and use all the right words...but God says that even in our silence He can HEAR our prayers because he knows our hearts. The truth is, prayers aren't always supposed to sound pretty and they aren't always supposed to be happy, sometimes they're messy and words get stumbled over, and we get frustrated because we don't understand His will, but it's real. And I think that's all that God wants--He wants to hear our hearts...not just words put together to sound nice in a prayer--God doesn't need words to hear prayers.


wow. The message put a new spin on this verse that is so often taken out of context.

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