
Just some thoughts...it's been a while

So, it has been quite some time since I last wrote on here. Plenty has been going on, but I do not feel as though it has been worth sharing.
Lately I have come to some major realizations that have completely changed my outlook on some things:

I have realized that it doesn't matter if the election was not the outcome I desired. People can complain all they want to and say that we made a mistake in this election, but what it boils down to is that God has called us to pray for the leaders of our country. There is just so much pressure, now more than ever, to do the right thing and make sound decisions in leading our country in this vulnerable state while we are at war and while the economy is flat out suffering. I pray that President Obama is up for the task, will make wise decisions, and constantly seek after our Heavenly Father---and I pray that we, as Americans, will not look to one man for guidance, but that we will turn to our all-powerful, all-knowing God for the comfort and wisdom that only He can provide. All of the complaining is getting really old---what is that really going to change anyway? Oh yeah....nothing! :)

I have also been reminded that God doesn't need me. Don't get me wrong, He wants all of his children to come to know Him as their personal Savior--but He doesn't NEED me. Whatever I have to offer wouldn't change or improve God in anyway because He is God, he wouldn't be all powerful or all knowing if He needed my help. This knocked me on my butt this week and actually humbled me in a weird sort of way--God doesn't NEED me, but He WANTS me! The creator of all of the universe wants my company---WHAT?!?!! He treasures and delights in me and wants the very best for me. What kind of Love is that???? I can't even fathom that---seriously. Blows me away.

I have also opened my eyes to the fact that God always provides opportunities to share our faith, but half the time we are too blind to see them. I had a really good discussion with a fellow co-worker yesterday about church and relationships and just the freedom we have in Christ if we would just embrace it. My co-worker had pretty much given up on the church and all the rules they put in to place on what you should/shouldn't be doing and was just tired of feeling like a failure and always falling short. In a very familiar verse to all of us, God tells us that we ALL fall short of the glory of God, but isn't that where Grace comes into play?

In all reality, it's not about the rules. If we spend all of that time trying do this and not do this, we have missed the point completely. God has given us freedom and tells us to WALK in it! He doesn't say do this and that so that you can walk in it, He tells us that we have it inside of us given to us by Jesus Christ and to start living that way. (Which reminds me---You should read the book Hullabaloo. I'm not a reader, but this book was amazing!) As you seek God, your desires will change, thus your actions will reflect what you believe when you are seeking. Gavin talked about this at youth one night and pretty much laid it out there like this....When you seek God, your actions will reflect that, which will result in God being glorified. You tracking?

Anyway, those are just a few things that have stuck with me over the past few weeks. God is working in me and it is refreshing to know that again. It's amazing what we find when we SEEK.

Next time I won't go so long w/out writing...i'll try to do better! :)

Love y'all.

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