

I'm going to start this by saying that I am very jealous of all of you who still get a Spring Break. Yeah yeah I know, welcome to the real world. But seriously...BOO! I was envious of all of you all week!

It's been a hard past few days, not gonna lie.  Gavin's family is moving to Oklahoma City on Tuesday, and their house is pretty much empty.  They left a few hours ago with another load of stuff and the movers are coming on Tuesday to get the rest of everything. It doesn't really seem real, it hasn't hit me yet that they are going to be gone. It's going to be an adjustment not having both of our families so close by, it's going to be weird. Anyway, it's kinda been an eye opener for me, because family is something that is so easily taken for granted and then when they aren't right around the corner anymore, you realize how much you did enjoy them being there.  Anyway, just remember to keep them in your prayers as you go through the week, because this is going to be a huge adjustment for them....and for Gavin too!  However, I do enjoy reminding him that in 9 weeks, he gets me and we will get to be a family. =) That's so very exciting..
I was thinking about that this week as well. I will get to call him my husband...and say stuff like "sorry girls, I gotta go get home to my husband," well i dunno if i'll actually ever say that, but it makes me feel so grown up haha! I'm a nerd! Anyway, hooray for 9 weeks from now!

As for the wedding planning updates: I've given all the bridesmaid dresses out, bought their shoes, and taken my bridal portraits...all in like the last week haha. It's funny how when you start planning, you think that you have all the time in the world and then as it gets closer you're like, "oh crap, there's so much to do!!" I think that's all for now, or atleast all that's gotten done recently....oh my.

I hope you guys have a blessed Easter, remembering why we celebrate and enjoying lots of time with your families!! 

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