
amazing weather!

The weather has just been so beautiful lately! I love it!! So today we were just hanging out in the hammock and thought we'd do a little family photo! Anyway, today was just simply a good day. I got a lot of stuff done around the house, and even packed up alot of my winter clothes to take to Gavin's house. It's crazy to be packing up my things for good here....usually it's like, oh i'll just pack up some of my stuff for school and come back and get my other clothes when i need them....anyway, it reminds me of Friends.......'and I have to live with a BOY!!!!' Haha, cracks me up. It's going to be quite the adjustment I'm sure. In 4 weeks and something I'm going dive into a new adventure. But I cannot wait...usually I get a little uneasy about the unknown, but knowing who i am embarking on this journey with, I couldn't be more excited. I know that God has big things in store for us!

My next and final bridal shower is this coming weekend!! YAY! And two of my really good friends are coming in town for it! Molly is flying in from Virginia and Sarah is coming in from Abilene! I cannot wait to see those girls! They should really consider moving to Lewisville....i mean seriously, it would make things so much easier!! =) 

Other news....
I am transferring departments at work! I start my new job 2 weeks from Monday! I could not be more excited about this move. I think I will like this position 10X better...plus there's a nice little pay raise waiting for me, which is also a positive!! So yay for that.

I found out that my best friend is for sure moving to OKC in August for law school. Boo! I hate that! I know that it is a good thing though because she is following her dreams, and you don't find alot of people that do that anymore, it seems like everywhere you look people are just settling. Anyway i'm proud of her for not settling however it'd be nice if she could not settle somewhere in the dallas region! =) It's going to be weird not having her here and i'm going to miss her oh so much.

I think that's about it on my end. Gavin is about to wrap up school in about 2 weeks so that will be a nice relief for him. He has alot on his plate trying to juggle his church work and schoolwork at the same time. Poor guy, he's just ready to get done and graduate....

Y'all have a great week, i'll try and do better about updating....
maybe when life slows down a little bit it might be easier to do....
that'll be the day....


next month!!

Well, now that's it's April, I can officially say that we get married next month!! WOW!! It's getting very close and everything is falling into place. I had my first bridal shower at our church this past weekend and got tons of neat stuff! It was so fun! I'm hoping to post pictures soon....but we shall see.  My next shower is at the end of the month, and it's supposed to be the biggest! I can't wait! Haha i love presents! It is a display shower, which is kinda a neat idea because everyone brings an unwrapped gift, that way I can have time to visit with everyone and we don't have to waste a bunch of time having everyone watch me open presents...even though it's fun for me! So that's fun. And, possibly one of the best things about that shower weekend is that my best friend Molly is coming in town for it! I am so unbelievably excited about that! I am going to do everything in my power to get her to move back to Texas! I miss her too much!!! =)

Gav and I made a trip to OKC this past Sunday because he was playing in a concert that his parents had put together. It made for a long day driving there and back and getting back home at like 3 AM, but we had a good time. I love road trips w/ Gav....they're always just so much fun, and there's never a dull moment with us! =) While we were there we got to see his parents new house, which is so incredible! I love it. If I didn't dislike Oklahoma so much, I'd say it was a perfect house, but afterall, location is everything. And...no thanks! haha! Nothing against oklahoma...it's just not for me i suppose...

Starting this weekend, I'm going to have alot more down time after these crazy past few weeks. There will be more hanging out time, relaxation, and sleep, which I am definitely looking forward to. I feel like such an old lady because I get tired at like 930 now....

Anyway, that's all of the updating i have. Have a fantastic rest of the week!