

You should check out my new blog for updates! =)   http://web.me.com/melanie.ann

If you know how to move over all of these posts to my new blog, you should let me know!  It's a work in progress but I already love it so much more than I like blogger.com.


(so... I wrote this yesterday and my pictures never uploaded...so let's just pretend that it's still yesterday so I don't have to re-write my post! =))  Hopefully I'll post a picture or 2 soon!

What an incredible day this has been!  We went to the dr. today and found out that we will be welcoming a baby girl into this world July 25th.  God has truly blessed our growing family and I am so thankful!  After our appointment we went to Target and picked up a few things for our precious little one, but then I had to go back to work (blah!).  Gavin and I decided that we wanted to tell his parents the news, but we wanted to wait and do dinner with my parents and Mer and Jordan tonight to break the news to them.  It was so hard keeping a secret from all of my friends, and especially some of my co-workers who kept asking and trying to find different ways to get it out of me, but I didn't budge! I was so proud of myself!  I can be a big push-over sometimes and just give in, but not this time! =)  I pray that Gavin and I will grow to be the Godly example that we are called to be and that our child will never know anything but love!  

I think we've decided on a name for her, but we're holding off on telling everyone because it's not set in stone yet.  Gavin doesn't want people to get attached to the name just yet, because we haven't completely decided on it (even though we're like 98% sure it'll stick).  For now we'll just pray that Baby Girl will continue to grow stronger and stronger each day!  20 weeks down, 20 weeks to go!


So...just real quick--I started the Beth Moore bible study tonight called 'A Woman's Heart: God's Dwelling Place.'  I already love it!

Just a small piece of insight from tonight...

"The day our Savior bore the thorns in His flesh was the day God perfected the ultimate sufficiency of grace."

Nicely put.  His grace really is enough for me.  Now if I could just live like I believe that... 

Have a blessed week!


Halfway Point!

Well, I'm 20 weeks tomorrow and I really just can't believe how fast time has gone by!  I realize that for about 8 weeks of that time I didn't know that I was pregnant, but I like to pretend like I did so I make myself believe the next 20 or so will go by just as fast! =)  

Okay we have our dr. appointment on Monday and we find out if we will be welcoming a son or daughter into this world! What a blessing! We will be absolutely thrilled with either one, but we are having a hard time being patient and waiting to find out!!  I'm thinking girl...What do YOU think?  

Gavin and I went to Babies R Us last weekend--what an overwhelming place that is! Holy cow, there is so much stuff to look at!  I can't wait to go register for all of that fun stuff to make way for baby Greer! YAY!  I can't wait to hold our precious little one in my arms!  I've heard that you never know how much you can love something/someone until you hold your baby in your arms...I can't wait for that feeling!

Sonogram pictures to come......