
Just a little update for those of you we don't get to talk to as much as we like.  Gavin and I are getting married on May 24, 2008 at FBCL at 2.  We cannot wait for that day to come as all the planning is just getting on our nerves now!! haha.  The only thing that really matters to us is that, at the end of the day we will be married.  We don't really care too much about details like people do!  Ha!  We are both so excited to start this new chapter in our lives and become husband and wife!  Also, Gav and I just got a house in Lewisville and he has already moved in with a roommate, and then I will move in May!  We are so unbelievably blessed with this opporunity to rent this house---What a blessing not to have to start out living in an apartment!
Anyway I think that is all of the news I have.

This weekend was great..busy but great!  Gav has been spending a lot of time at the church lately because we just moved into the new building and he was setting up the new sound system and teaching others how to use it! He's just so smart!! =)  On Sunday nights we have been going to a pre-marital class at FBC Lewisville with 7 other couples.  It's...interesting.  It's fun to see people from all walks of life and different ages getting together with a common bond though.  After class we went to see Dan in Real Life.  It was soo good!!  I loved it. Anyway, it was nice just to chill out and have a night to ourselves, it was a good break from the craziness that life has been lately.  Well...for him atleast.  As for me,  I am in the midst of job hunting and it is completely draining.  I can't stand just sitting at home and not doing anything.  I am hoping that something will pop up soon.  Patience has never been one of my better qualities =)  But I know that in God's timing, He will provide for me the right job.

Be Blessed,


So Gavin and I decided to start this blog together....we're not real sure that what we have to say is really important, however we thought it was worth a shot...